
Gwen Zezulka

Making The Ordinary Extraordinary

I am a versatile artist whose photography expresses my unique perspective on life. I believe there is unnoticed beauty everywhere and I spend my free time coaxing stunning images out of the seemingly mundane. The ordinary things in life inspire my extraordinary pictures, and I hope that by telling their stories in unique ways the viewer will reconsider the appeal of everyday objects and will see the world with a deeper appreciation of the beauty and design in our world.

 In addition to being an avid photographer, I am a web developer, a writer, a professional organizer, and a lover of food and drink. I am also a mother to two children, and a human to a very cute dog.

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Other Projects

Instagram Ramblings

#dontpanic #iykyk
Patio season is over…
And so pumpkin season ends…
Ginkgo biloba.
It’s that “Thou shalt not consume a meal that doesn’t have at least one full tomato in it” time of year again.
#garden #tomatoes #deliciousness
Spring has sprung.
Shopping with attitude on Queen West @aka.thestore
A moon-bow?
It was like a Van Gogh painting last night… except with fog and streetlights and cars and no stars…
#foggynight #starrynight